
The RJB Company specializes in creating customized workshops and events tailored to improve team collaboration and enhance overall performance. Our goal is to help teams optimize their results through proven exercises and engaging experiences.

The RJB Company draws from various team building and collaboration methodologies and implements the best of each in a unique combination Workshop facilitation, Design Thinking, AI Evidence-Base Profiling, Agile Scrums and fun group engagement events for tangible results in your company.

These techniques are useful across various sized organizations, non-profits and businesses.

Our methods have been developed and used successfully in corporations like Google, Lego, Netflix, Slack, GE and many more. Sign your team up to access success!

Romy Malin - Founder

Romy is a Master Workshopper and Facilitator (certified by AJ & Smart Gmbh). With decades of experience in a broad range of high-paced environments worldwide, Romy has keenly observed and collaborated with teams across various industries and organizational levels. Her original background in theater, directing, and performance provides her with unique insights into collaboration, impactful presentation, and navigating the dynamics of complex teams.

Over the past 5 years, Romy has been investing in training, researching and developing techniques and tools designed to propel corporate and business teams to top performance.

Romy is highly approachable and well-versed in the nuanced needs of organizational and group dynamics. She skillfully harnesses the team's expertise, diverse experiences, and insights to collaboratively guide and clarify objectives and strategies, minimizing conflict while maximizing productivity and output.

She founded The RJB Company to allow smaller businesses, Non Profits and every team access to these brilliant techniques. Every team can benefit from a good workshop facilitated well.